Gastronomy plays a very important role because Osona has a large number of restaurants which prepare dishes with their own products of high quality. The region has more than five hundred restaurants of different cuisines all over the territory.
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Currently, there is one regional group engaged in the promotion of Osona food: Osona Cuina. In addition, there is Catering School of Osona (Tona) in which training courses of cooking of intermediate level are conducted, and which has a restaurant open to thegeneral public where the students arepreparing meals and serving dishes, putting into practice the acquired knowledge. This school also hosts various events such as wine tasting, etc.
Osona Cuina
It is a group that includes a dozen restaurants from the district of Osona, located in towns such as Vic, Tona, Manlleu or Cantonigròs. Its main objective is to promote regional gastronomy throughout Catalonia.
Throughout the year the Osona Cuina Club organises various promotional initiatives such as wine and cheese tastings, or the presentation of local products.
Likewise, it offers the possiblity of enjoying a series of routes which combine tourism and a gastronomic experience. Amongst others it is worth highlighting the Romanesque route throgh the city of Vic, which includes a luncheon in some of the main restaurants in the city.
Other options are excursions where activities are combined. As such, the experience of discovering the cuisine in Osona can include a sporting day playing golf or by taking part in active tourism, with a hot air ballon ride.
The local cuisine is charcaterised by the preparation of dishes with game and pork. Cured meats an sausages, such as longaniza sausage, are another of its distinctive, features as well as the use of typical local produce. Amongst others it is worth highlighting the truffles, bufet potato and the Collsacabra beans.
The restaurants in Osona Cuina guarantee the experience of genuine Osona cuisine with a combination of traditional cuisine and innovation. There are also specialised tasting menus, which focus on produce such as wild mushrooms or cuisine prepared in real fires.