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Casa Museu Verdaguer-Folgueroles-Osona Turisme- en ALTA-©J.Santaugini-006

Folgueroles is a small town that is located halfway between the Plain of Vic Folgueroles and the beginnig of the Guilleries which include the oriental sector of the territory that allow you to enjoy nature, literature, stone-built heritage and gastronomy. Gentle westen relief with farmhouses and several small hills (les Mentides, Sant Jordi de Puiseslloses) becomes steep towards the east with ravines and valleys full of vegetation where the streams such as Folgueroles (the tributary of Gurri) or Lledoner run. In Folgueroles Jacint Verdaguer was born on 17 May 1845. It still retains various areas of the life of the poet such as some scenes of their childhood games and youth. In addition, the town has been endowed with the seeds of artistic elements erected in his memory.

Townhall de Folgueroles.Plaça Verdaguer, 2 – Can Dachs – 08519 Folgueroles. Tel. 93 812 20 54 –

Ruta Casol de Puigcastellet – Pla de Savassona – La Damunt 
Ruta La Damunt – Sant Jordi
Ruta La Damunt – Monòlits Verdaguer
Ruta Font Trobada
Ruta Salt de la Minyona – Pantà de Sau – Savassona – Tavèrnoles
Camins de Verdaguer
Torrent del Lledoner
Les escales del Foquers
El jaciment íber del Casol de Puigcastellet
Sant Jordi de Puigseslloses
Sant Llorenç del Munt
GR-151 Camí Oliba
Rutes 7,8,9,10 i 11 Centre BTT Vall de Sau Collsacabra

FEBRUARY: Third Sunday, march of Tres Tombs. Carnival
MAY: Nearest Sunday to the 17th, Verdaguer Festival, Tree Festival (1st Saturday) and Old Poetry Book Market (1st Sunday).
SEPTEMBER: 2nd Sunday, Main Celebration. Last Sunday: Life in the Park
OCTOBER: 1st weekend, Iberian Weekend

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