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Forest of the Grevolosa

Camí del Bosc de la Grevolosa a Sant Pere de Torelló. (Osona). Camí de l’Abad Oliba, octubre de 2020.

The Osona region is full of magical places of spectacular natural beauty. One of them is the Fageda de la Grevolosa, a forest with beeches over 30 meters high, with some specimens over 200 years old.

In this beech forest you will also find a great natural diversity, both flora and fauna. In fact, due to its beauty and biological interest, this beech forest is included in the EIN Serres area of ​​Milany-Santa Magdalena and Puigsacalm-Bellmunt.

It is worth stopping to feel the tranquility that surrounds the whole environment, listening and enjoying a few moments of absolute silence. This is a place of spectacular beauty to enjoy the calm and inspiration.

Autumn is the best time of year to visit it, it is recommended just to enjoy the sensations of entering this place.

To access it, follow the road towards Olot. At kilometer 23, near the Bracons farmhouse. Then walk for about 15 to 20 minutes.

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Més informació:

Ajuntament de Sant Pere de Torelló – C/ Verdaguer, 18 – 08572 Sant Pere de Torelló. Tel. 93 858 40 24 –

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