
Tavertet has a sense of being isolated but is quite comfortable due to its stunning location on the cliffs, that abruptly plunge down to the Ter river. Many of the houses from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries are well preserved. You can notice the sober elegance and the functional architecture that characterizes the country. This led the town to be declared a cultural Interest. Good and also hosted an association dedicated to the integration and free spiritual experience. In its place, a striking singularity, there are some important vestiges of Romanesque art, especially the church of San Miguel de Sorerols, one of the clearest examples of this architectural style that can be admired through the whole Osona region.
Town Council in Tavertet. C/ de Baix, 2 – 08511 – Tavertet. Telèfon: 938 565 079. Fax: 938 565 079. www.tavertet.cat – tavertet@diba.cat
Can Baumes
Hostal Can Nogué
Faves Comptades
Can Miquel
Can Baró
Els Cingles
JANUARY: 5th, The Three Wise Men Parade.
MARCH/ APRIL: Easter Florida, Roser Joys songs and eggs ruffle in Major square
JUNE: Saint John’s Bonfire
JULY: Classical vehicle meeting. Giants Meeting (huge cartoon figures).
AUGUST: 4th Sunday, Village Summer Trade
NOVEMBER: Chesnut Party
DECEMBER: 24th Christmas Eve Mass and traditional Winter Bonfire
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