
Vidrà has got 34 km2, and it is formed by the nucleus of Vidrà, la Creu de l’Arç and the neighbourhood of Ciuret,
and several farms. It is situated in northern Osona county since 1898 although it belongs to Girona province. Surrounded by the pre-Pyrenees in northern (Milany mountains and Santa Magdalena) and by the Transversal range of Mountain in the south-east (with summets such asPuigsacalm, Puig Curull, Puig Tosell, Puig dels Llops and Puig de les Àguiles). All the town is included in the PEIN (Plan of natural interest spaces) except the settlement of Vidrà, Ciuret Neghourhood and Collfred (farm).
Town Council of Vidrà. Plaça de l’Ajuntament, 2 – 17515 Vidrà.Tel. 93 855 12 55 – –
Want to know the world of the shepherd and the sheep, the world of cattle and cows, the process of preparation of sausages, or of bread baked with wood accompanied by a person from Vidrà? The visit consists in an audiovisual of the process of artisan food products making. After that, there will be a guided tour through the town and a visit to the bakery and the farm you choose where its main characters explain their work. On demand there can be a meatballs workshop, an opportunity to make a menu Vidrà in any food catering establishment with previous reservation..
- • Duration: 2:30 to 3 pm
- • Maximum and minimum number per group: 20/10 people
- • Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English
- • Approximate price: 50 € for 10 people, € 5 per extra person. Families with children under 12 free. Retired and school groups 10% discount.
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