Other routes

Osona is crossed by some long routes of great historic interest:
The Path of Sant Jaume is a big cultural route that allows to go from end to end of the Iberian Peninsula, from Cap de Creus to Cap de Finisterre. The route begins in Sant Pere de Rodes and follows an outline that passes through the monastery of Montserrat to reach Alcarràs (Lleida) where the road enters Aragon.
Catalonia is linked from the outset with the Jacobean routes. A widespread tradition says that Apostle Sant Jaume preached in Barcelona, Lleida and Zaragoza. In some of these sites today the the passage of saint is still commemorated with popular celebrations like in Lleida with the feast of Lanterns of Sant Jaume. One of the first Catalan pilgrims was Abbot Cesari of Montserrat who pilgrimaged to Compostela in 1059.
Stretch Sant Esteve d’en Bas – Els Hostalets d’en Bas – Falgars d’en Bas – Cantonigròs – L’Esquirol: Length: 19 km. Duration: 6 h. Difficulty: Medium. Alternative stretches: bicycle, on foot.
This stretch of the route between forests of holm oaks, beeches and oaks is the most beautiful of the entire route but we should be careful and not let ourselves be enchanted by the landscape because there are many deversions where it’s easy to get lost, especially the stretch of Falgars d’en Bas in Cantonigròs.
Stretch l’Esquirol – Houses of Roda – Roda de Ter – Vic: Length: 18 km. Duration: 5 h. Diffuculty: Easy. Completely cyclable stretches.
Easy stretch to do on foot despite the constant ascents and descents. The main part of the route goes through woods near roads that are used as reference. It’s accessed to Vic by Bruguer bridge full of history. The most authentic possible.
For more information visit thewebsite of Sant Jaume Path
This route connects Vic with Olot and vice versa. It leads you through lost landscapes of great beauty and remarkable uniqueness makes you recall forgotten paths. In Osona the path goes through the Plain of Vic, Sant Martí Sescorts, Cabrerès, Santa Maria de Corcó – l’Esquirol, Rupit and Pruit, and through Grau de l’Hostalot. It communicates with the stretch of Garrotxa that basically goes through Vall d’en Bas and the Dams.
The path can be passed in one or two days depending on whether you are well prepared or not. It will always be more comfortable to do this route in the direction Vic – Olot because the ascent is not so steep.
For more information visit thewebsite of Vic
In 2000 several French and Catalan civic organizations with the support of the authorities of both countries organized a series of activities to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the establishment of the metric system and the measurement of meridian length Dunkerque – Paris – Barcelona. Among the acts carried out we should mention the planting of thousands of trees along this imaginary line in France and a number of excursions to the most significant sites of the geography of the Catalan Countries that used as geodesic vertex for measuring with the collocation of commemorative plaques in different places (Castle of Montjuïc and the Clock tower of Wharf in Barcelona, at the top of Puigsacalm, etc.).
Description of stretches:
• Stretch of Vidrà – Sant Martí Sescorts: Vidrà – La Tosca dels Degollats (46 min); La Vall (1 h 1 min); Dam of Forat Micó (1 h 27 min); Ges River (1 h 38 min); La Teuleria (1 h 46 min); Verdaguer (2 h 37 min); Masgrill (2 h 50 min); Graons del Rei (3 h 11 min); Santa Margarida (3 h 25 min); Can Puig d’en Coromines (3 h 40 min); Countryhouse Roja (4 h 6 min); Corts (4 h 18 min); Sant Martí Sescorts (4 h 40 min).
• Stretch of Sant Martí Sescorts – Sant Julià de Vilatorta: Sant Martí Sescorts – Escanera de Sant Martí (13 min); Recycling Plant (42 min); Farmhouses of Roda (1 h 3 min); Roda de Ter (1 h 21 min); Square of 3 Spring wells (1 h 30 min); Hill of Passarella (2 h 35 min); Castle of Savassona (3 h 5 min); Les Punxes (3 h 25 min); Coll (4 h 7 min); Ca N’Arumí (4 h 19 min); Sant Julià de Vilatorta (4 h 45 min).
• Stretch of Sant Julià de Vilatorta – Viladrau: Sant Julià de Vilatorta – Parc of 3 Spring wells (7 min); Castle of Bellpuig (14 min); Plan of the Cave of the Giant (49 min); Sanctuari of Puig-l’Agulla (1 h 20 min); Water Tank (1 h 41 min); Guilleries Housing Estate (1 h 52 min); Camp House of Teresa Espona (2 h 21 min); Collet (3 h 43 min); Square of Marià Manent (4 h 2 min); Viladrau (4 h 5 min).
Distances in kilometres and route time:
Stretch of Vidrà – Sant Martí Sescorts: 18,715 km. Approx.time 4 h 40 min.
Stretch of Sant Martí Sescorts – Sant Julià de Vilatorta: 17,725 km. Approx.time 4 h 45 min.
Stretch of Sant Julià de Vilatorta – Viladrau: 16,235 km. Approx.time 4 h 5 min.
For more information visit the website of Palau Robert
In Lluçanès we have 4 major transhumance routes + 16 family routes.
+ info https://turisme.llucanes.cat/escapat/llucanes-actiu/senderisme/