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Sant Martí de Centelles

The municipality of Sant Martí de Centelles, 26.6 km2, is located at the southernmost limit of the Osona region.

Sant Martí de Centelles borders on the north with Centelles, and on the other parts it borders on the Vallès Oriental.

The term has an average altitude of 722 meters. The term extends to the right of the Congost river and is distributed in different plateaus: in the lower part there is the nucleus of Abella and the parish of Sant Pere de Valldaneu. At the top is the old parish of Sant Martí, which gives its name to the town.

Sant Martí de Centelles Town Hall: C. Estació, 4 – 08592 Sant Martí de Centelles. Tel. 93 844 24 06 – Ajuntament de Sant Martí de Centelles –

Bar l’Estació

Estació RENFE08592Sant Martí de Centelles
93 844 11 48

Can Canal Braseria

Camí de Valldaneu, s/n08592Sant Martí de Centelles

93 844 11 09

La Tasca

Plaça de l’Abella, 808592Sant Martí de Centelles

604 11 46040

Can Miqueló Holiday Cottage

Camí de Can Miqueló, s/n08592Sant Martí de Centelles

93 844 24 07

Rural Hostel Mas Blanc

Masia Mas Blanc, C-1413b, Km. 10.08592Sant Martí de Centelles

93 844 24 67 / 601 600 690

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