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Vilanova de Sau

Esglèsia de Santa Maria de Vilanova de Sau. Camí de l'Abad Oliba, octubre de 2020.

In 1962 the dam was opened and, since then, the features of Valley of Sau changed. The town of Sant Romà disappeared under the water and only the belfry stands above occasionally. Vilanova, however, prospered and the ancient rural town has managed to combine its past with the creation of a service centre dedicated to leisure and tourism.The reservoir added another attraction to this town that rises from the valley to the leafy Guilleries, range of mountains of clear water, ideal for river fishing. His term includes the ancient parishes of St. Pere de Castanyadell andSant Andreu de Bancells.

Town Council of Vilanova de Sau. Pg. Verdaguer, 7 – 08560 Vilanova de Sau. Tel. 93 884 70 06 –

Herbolari of Sau

Can Morilla
El Canari
El Pont
Ferrer de Tall

Address: Zone de loisirs, Varnets de Ca la Marta (N-141d direction du marais de Sau). Coordonnées: 41°56’59.95″N 2°23’14.80″E

Places: 9

  • Water;
  • Electricity;
  • Waste water discharge;
  • Picnic area
  • WC public

Rate: The stay in the area is free.

Observations:open all year round. .

Contact: Vilanova de Sau Town Council. AvenueJacint Verdaguer – 08519 Vilanova de Sau. Tel. 93 884 70 06 – –

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