
The end bell tower of St. Stephen’s unmistakable silhouette Tavèrnoles, at the end of the plain, where they begin to climb the William. A renowned cuisine coexists alongside ancient stones that speak of noble families and older populations (San Feliuet Savassona), of trails that go up to the place of the legendary Guilleriess or lead towards the cliff overlooking the Valley of Sau, and riding or cycling routes. Tavèrnoles is the entry point in Sau reservoir in western part and a good place to start a visit to the monastery of Sant Pere de Casserres, a remarkable Romanesque style building which dominates the Ter river.
Town Council of Tavèrnoles. Carrer de l’Església, 1 – 08519 Tavèrnoles. Tel. 93 888 73 08 – www.tavernoles.cat –tavernoles@tavernoles.cat–turismetavernoles@diba.cat
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