
Orís, 27,33 square kilometres, is situated in the northern part of La Plana de Vic. The river Ter drains this land and marks out the area separating this town with Sant Vicenç de Torelló and Torelló. Orís is formed with five little villages which are spread. Nowadays, the town has 240 inhabitants divided in La Parròquia de Sant Genís, Can Branques ,El Pelut, Saderra and La Mambla. The common part of these five villages is the agriculture and the farming, and it’s the lifestyle of the major part of the population, we could say, that Orís is a rural town with productive land for “patata del bufet”, a kind of potato .
Town Council of Orís. C/Gràcia, 2 – 08573 Orís. Tel. 93 859 02 47 – www.oris.cat – oris@diba.cat
Cal Jutge
La Rectoria d’Orís
Can Branques