Sant Boi de Lluçanès

Sant Boi de Lluçanès is situated in northern Osona. It has21,17 km2. It is delimited by some mountains which nearly form a valley. From north to the east you can find the Munts mountain range(1050m), Puigcornador (977m)and the mountains of Sant Salvador (952m). From southern to the west from Vilarrasa (867m) to Cornet (857m). And also the mountains of Sobremunt (892m). The population centre is situated on the hillside of Els Munts and in a light slope where the Sorreig river goes by, not so wide because it starts before entering the village.
Town Council of Sant Boi de Lluçanès. Passeig Lluçanès, 8 – 08589 Sant Boi de Lluçanès. Tel. 93 857 82 41 – –
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